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Steve Hollinger

Indie Developer Portfolio


Disc Dimension


Disc Dimension is a VR disc golf adventure game with realistic physics and magical hazards. A state-of-the-art custom disc flight physics engine was built for this game based on physics whitepapers and wind tunnel data. The key challenge of this project was to make sure that throwing discs in VR felt as close to real as possible. Many hours were put into making sure the game stayed out of the uncanny valley when it comes to disc throwing and flight. I’m confident we are the best disc golf VR game out there when it comes to flight physics and gameplay value. Dynamic wind system with GPU VFX synchronization Unity URP pipeline with Quality Levels designed to run on a variety of devices. VR Sports Training features with spatial UX and feedback detection Reward systems with an in-game store for acquiring new discs VR Locomotion and Teleporting Spatial Audio using Steam Audio VFX Graph effects and Animations SFX Production Course production tools to speed up design and creation Settings UX and Score Card Wrist UX Along with some purchased assets, I was responsible for 3D modeling and texturing a variety of objects including lights, statues, trees, foliage, critters, rocks, and more. My wife and I worked together to design a variety of discs and disc prints.


Project: Artifact


Project: Artifact is an untitled, solo-developed VR game designed as a single player rogue-lite FPS RPG, with stealth elements. The project served as a vehicle for learning many areas of game and simulation development, and was initially the first title I was going to publish. It is currently in an alpha stage, with many core systems developed. It is developed in Unity HDRP using OpenXR. The goal of this project is primarily to explore high-definition rendering, lighting, 3D modeling & texturing, and immersive soundscapes in a VR experience. A side effect is to grow VR RPG, FPS, and stealth systems that can be reused in other titles. Some example systems developed for this experience: - Stealth AI with Behavior Tree decision making and Agent Perception systems - Dynamic enemy damage system integrating health, shields, and armor, with hit-based damage calculations that vary depending on the enemy's impact zone - VR Locomtion & Teleporting - Material-aware impact system that triggers realistic effects, such as sparks on rock or fire on grass, based on the physical substance struck by a projectile - Ranged weapons, melee weapons, and interactive throwables - Intuitive VR inventory system where players can point, pull objects in, and seamlessly store them in virtual pockets around their avatar. - Reusable and flexible character RPG stat system - Dynamic item and enemy spawning mechanics - Spatial Audio using Steam Audio - Various GPU VFX and Custom Shaders - Flexible key/gate system - Many VR interactions (push, pull, throw, climb, etc) While some assets were purchased and generated, I was responsible for creating, texturing, rigging, and animating many 3D models including animation blending.


Flutterglide is a 2D sidescroller prototype developed with my wife, targeted for mobile. Traverse a journey across the land as a fluttering butterfly by gliding through the levels. The player may only flap their wings to gain altitude, and then gain speed by gliding as they fall. Collect pollen as you glide, and avoid obstacles that stop your momentum. Notable systems developed in this prototype are: - 2D Glide & Gravity Physics - Parallax environment movement - Animation - 2D Lighting - Particle Effects

Technical Demos

VR Drone Flying

This is a short demo of an experiment with remote-control drones in VR. It uses SteamVR assets and a custom drone-flight control and physics system. The drone was also modeled and textured by me.

RTS Systems

This is a short demo of an RTS resource gathering system (think Starcraft). I am building additional RTS systems overtime, with the intention of making a full prototype in the future.

© 2023 Alchemist Brew Game Studios

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